July 13th @The Fukuoka Growth Next, in Japan

Translations: 日本語


It is a report of Go Conference '19 Summer in Fukuoka. We will post the results of the questionnaire for the participants and the photos of the events by @atani. The summary is written in Blog. Please take a look. Also, almost all presentation slides are embedded in the speaker's details page displayed from the Schedule title link. I hope you can see it if you can not participate.

The Gopher group photo I took at the end, "Go ~!" Surprisingly everyone smiles.

Overview 🎪

Growth Next Fukuoka and Fukuoka Startup Cafe
Sat July 13th, 2019, Start: 09:30, End: 19:00 19:30
200 157 (Speakers and Staffs included)

Unfortunately, it was ☔️ on the day (close to the downpour before and after noon), and there were cancellations and absences without notice. The special session was held by the mayor of 高島市長, Fukuoka. After the event, we were able to hold a social gathering seamlessly. In the banquet, the end time was extended by 30 minutes from the schedule that is going up in LT competitions and so on.

The Attendees Survey 📫

It is the result of conducting the questionnaire to the event participant and totaling. The response rate is about 50%. Due to the high number of sessions, the number of speakers and sponsors is also high.

Response rate:80/157

The Attendees

The number of attendees from outside Fukuoka is higher than expected, and the proportion of beginners is a high impression.

Job Type

The participants are mostly engineers, this time three students from the Scholarships program.

High Rating Sessions 🏆

Among the sessions that attendees felt good were the following (except Special Session).

Histogram of Good Session Count

Participants considered the five sessions good at median. This is close to 20% of all sessions.

Reason type of Good Session

I classified the reasons for the session that I thought was good. Participants tend to feel “good” for sessions that have a lot of learning.

Reason Sample

  • 話し方が上手く伝えたい内容が伝わりやすかった方、使ったことの無いが、今後ぜひ使っていきたいパッケージや機能を紹介してくださった方が多く、非常に勉強になりました。(楽しい)
  • 楽しむことの大切さを改めて認識できたから(楽しい)
  • 実際に業務課題を解決するためのたくさんのヒントを得ることができた。(学びがある)
  • パフォーマンスやテストや新しい技術や便利なパッケージをハンズオンも交えて知ることができました(学びがある)
  • 初心者ということもあって学びが多かった。(学びがある)
  • 分かりやすくユーモアもあった(面白い)
  • 手をつけてない分野の概要を知り、チェックできた。。(興味深い)
  • 身近、および、自分自身がやってみたいテーマだった(興味深い)

Feedback Type to Organizer

Many of the participants were satisfied with the operation, giving up, giving, and giving thanks. As for the improvement, it seems that there was much content that I wanted time between sessions.

Feedback Sample

  • 熱量が高くて素晴らしいカンファレンスでした。個人的には懇親会LTが無い方が多くの方とお話できるので好きです。(懇親会LTを否定しているわけではありません)尖った発表が多くて、知らないことが知れて良かったです。(褒める)
  • はじめての参加でしたが、Goへの興味がますます増えました。(褒める)
  • 最初スケジュールがタイトで慌ただしそうに思ったけど、終わって見ると逆にテンポよかったと思う。会場の椅子をもう少しゆとりのある配置にすると入れ替えの出入りが楽だったと思った。生ハムとてもおいしかったけど食べ過ぎると塩分やばいのでほどほどで我慢したのが心残りだった(改善)
  • クロークがあれば、良いと思いました。私は出張でスーツケースで参加したのですが、身動きがとり辛かったです。遠方枠もあるので、大きな荷物でも参加しやすくなると良いと思いました。(改善)
  • とても快適で学びの多いカンファレンスでした。ありがとうございました!!(感謝)

Attending Again?

Some of the general participants and sponsors want to go on stage next time. Also, almost everyone seems to want to participate again.

Photos 📸

Scholarships 🎓

Conducted a scholarship program, and three students from all over the country participated and wrote blogs as output. Please take a look.
